The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed باجة، تونس

يقدم المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed باجة، تونس تدريبًا نظريًا وعمليًا شخصيًا وعبر الإنترنت، بالإضافة إلى زيارات ميدانية وجلسات دعم. يتضمن مسار "وكلاء الجيل" (ريادة الأعمال / باجة) تدريب فني وتقني في صناعة الاجبان هذا بالضافة الى محاور متعلقة بإدارة الأعمال والتعاونيات والتمكين الرقمي والابتكار الاجتماعي والإدماج الاجتماعي والتنمية المستدامة.

The InnovAgroWoMed training track Beja, Tunisia offers in-person and online theoretical and practical training, as well as site visits and support sessions. The “Generation Agents” track (Entrepreneurship / Beja) includes technical training in the cheese industry, in addition to topics related to business management, cooperatives, digital empowerment, social innovation, social inclusion, and sustainable development.

سيدات InnovAgroWoMed: سيدات النجاح

يروي هذا الكتيب رحلة المستفيدات من المشروع الاتي أصبحن عملاء للتغيير

InnovAgroWoMed Capitalization Report

The objective of this document is to retrace the life of the InnovAgroWoMed project, the identification of managerial situations, the strategy and management of communication, the process and approaches of the training and coaching programme launched by the project in its 4 partner countries, the launch and the implementation of the sub-grant, the expertise and involvement of Human Resources, etc. The aim is to build up, in the long term, a bank of good practices that can be adapted on a case-by-case basis to the different types of future projects of the ENI CBC Med Programme or any other similar programme.

Training to empower: designing a new skills set for women-led social innovation in agri-food

The aim of this document is to homogeneously present the research activities and the development of the new training models carried out by all research units. To do so, the report is organized as follows:
The first chapter illustrates the research framework and methodologies employed, and describes the research guidelines defined by the coordinating unit, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Then, four country specific chapters (2-5) report the activities carried out in each region: the first one presents the work performed by CESIE team (Sicily-Italy), the second one by ASALA team (Palestine), the third one by JOVESÓLIDES team (Valencia-Spain) and the last one by CAWTAR team (Tunisia). The first section of each partners’ chapter provides an overview of the team and the local context where the project was implemented, then the aim is to resume relevant information achieved through the desk research, related to the local context features and the existing training programs concerning the agri-food in the specific region.
Then, a section dedicated to the field research presents a list of the stakeholders engaged, underlying what is their expected contribution to the project, in a direct or indirect way, also in terms of post-training employability; in the same section the value chains and products selected by each unit are explained.
Section 3 of each chapter is dedicated to the local training needs, seen as skills and competences required by the job market and the entrepreneurial context, identifying a gap that will be filled through the provision of the training course.
The last section introduces the training model realized on the basis of local training needs retraced, divided in cross-cutting and sectorial topics. The training course will be as unified as possible, even if each unit decides how to differentiate training contents, especially through the definition of two different profiles identified as
agent for creation and agent for transition.
Chapter 6 concludes, providing an overview of the training curricula developed by each partner.


This booklet tells the journey of InnovAgroWoMed beneficiaries who became agents of change

المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed مدنين، تونس

يتظمن المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed مدنين، تونس تدريبًا نظريًا وعمليًا شخصيًا وعبر الإنترنت، بالإضافة إلى زيارات ميدانية وجلسات دعم.
بالإضافة إلى التدريب الفني حول تحويل منتوجات الصيد البحري، تتضمن دورة "وكلاء التحول" (التوظيف / مدنين) موضوعات مرتبطة بالثقافة المؤسسية والتمكين الرقمي والابتكار الاجتماعي والاندماج الاجتماعي والتنمية المستدامةوالمهارات الحياتية (المهارات الشخصية)

The InnovAgroWoMed training track Medenine, Tunisia includes in-person and online theoretical and practical training, as well as field visits and support sessions.
In addition to technical training on the transformation of fishing products, the “Transformation Agents” course (Employment path/ Medenine) includes topics related to institutional culture, digital empowerment, social innovation, social inclusion, sustainable development, and life skills (soft skills).

Med4Waste Capitalisation Conferences

This document outlines the implementation and the capitalization activities of the Med4Waste project and other related activities, i.e. the organisation of conferences in the framework of high-level summits in 2023.

Med4Waste Mentoring Scheme Report

Report about the implementation of the Med4Waste Integrated Waste Management Mentoring Scheme, with the participation of six sub-national public authorities from the Mediterranean Region.

Med4ZeroWaste & Circular Economy Online Course

The content of the course is based on the experiences of the five projects capitalized by Med4Waste (DECOST, MED-Ina, CLIMA, CEOMED and REUSEMED), the technical knowledge of Rezero Foundation and the Med4Waste project partners, as well as the current literature.

Policy toolkit on Municipal Waste Management (French Version)

This policy toolkit synthesizes the main lessons learned stemming from (i) the Med4Waste activities oriented at building skills, planning and decision-making capacities of Mediterranean municipalities and waste management practitioners, (ii) the achievements and challenges of 5 other ENI CBC Med projects working on sustainable waste management.

Policy toolkit on Municipal Waste Management (English Version)

This policy toolkit synthesizes the main lessons learned stemming from (i) the Med4Waste activities oriented at building skills, planning and decision-making capacities of Mediterranean municipalities and waste management practitioners, (ii) the achievements and challenges of 5 other ENI CBC Med projects working on sustainable waste management.

Mapping and assessment of relevant local, regional and national policies in waste

This document encompasses the results of a mapping of policies and strategies on solid waste management across the 6 project partner countries of the ENI CBC Med funded project Med4Waste. These countries are Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia. The work focused on reviewing recent national and municipal waste and circular economy policies and strategies, while also providing the context of each country. Links to the regional frameworks influencing directly and indirectly the national policy settings (EU, UfM, UNEP/MAP, etc.) have also been made.