The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

ICT solution for Slow Tourism Products (Pearls)

The new slow tourism products created were enhanced with innovative and creative solutions based on ICT technologies.

MEDWAYCAP Interactive map

A 3D interactive map showing the territorial coverage of the good practices developed by the different projects that have worked in synergy during MEDWAYCAP. The map provides collaborative and interactive learning opportunities, offering a dynamic and engaging way to learn about the solutions developed in the different Mediterranean countries. This map is the result of a joint effort of all partners, who shared their best practices by telling their stories using the storytelling method. Have a look at the map on the homepage of the MENAWARA project.

MedRiSSE Innovation Credit System

Asanblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP) and the Palestinian Agricultural Coooperatives Association (PARC) , with the help of experts, developed a system of innovation credits to encourage consultation of relevant SSE actors by public services. The Innovation Tokens in the Social Policy Co-Production Lab provide a variety of ways for users to engage with the Lab, from incentivizing collaboration to rewarding contributions and recognizing status. These tokens can be used to access exclusive content, services, and rewards. Innovation Tokens provide a powerful mechanism for distributing resources and incentivizing desired behaviors within a community of practice.

MedRiSSE Replication Roadmaps for replicability on Social Innovation practices

ARCO/PIN S.c.r.l., Italian partner of MedRiSSE, conducted a literature review on replicability tools and frameworks assessing scalability of social innovation initiatives. This guided the evaluation of the replication and scalability potential of 5 good practices from the MEDRiSSE project. The framework is based on the Sustainable Human Development paradigm and the Capability Approach perspective, viewing the Social and Solidarity Economy from a territorial ecosystem perspective. It also considers contextual factors. This exchange of knowledge and experience resulted in five replicability roadmaps and a toolkit to guide potential replication of social innovation models.

NEXUS Driven Open Living Labs Joint Action Plan

The Nexus Joint Action Plan (NJAP) has been designed as a policy-oriented outcome to drive management focus from inputs to outputs and boost the achievements and results of the Nexus Driven Open Living Labs (NDOLLs). It was initiated to address future Water, Energy and Food (WEF) Nexus challenges in European Union - Mediterranean Partnership Countries (EU-MPCs) through design thinking dynamics. In this sense, the NJAP depends on the capitalization of the outputs generated throughout the project activities.

DECOST Market Analysis of South Mediterranean

In this document, primary and secondary data were analyzed to produce the marketing strategy, in which the market segmentation, competition, marketing mix, and the expected demand for compost was analyzed.

DECOST Market Analysis of Italy and Spain

In this document, primary and secondary data were analyzed to produce the marketing strategy, in which the market segmentation, competition, marketing mix, and the expected demand for compost was analyzed.

GUIDELINES for Developing a Mediterranean Framework Directive

This document provides general guidelines for the establishment of a Mediterranean Framework Directive (MFD). The MFD itself is not included here, nor is its preparation.

Business Plan for Solid Waste Management in Shefa-Amr, Israel

This business plan examines the economic feasibility of implementing a project to handle the organic waste in the city of Shefa-Amr through the placement of composters in a work area near the city and the operation of a composting process to produce compost.

DECOST Replicability & Transferability Plan

The Replicability & Transferability (R&T) Plan for the DECOST project provides guidelines and a methodological framework to quantify economic, operational, environmental, social, and legal aspects in order to examine the feasibility of Decentralized Composting (DC) projects at any given location.

DECOST Training Package Materials

This document describes the training materials for the composting theory sessions given to the municipality workers. The target value is 4 reports which are presented together in this output. The different training materials were used in Spain, Italy and the same material in Palestine and Jordan

MEDWAYCAP Itinerant Exhibition

A travelling exhibition of posters and small models realised to tell the story of proposals for managing non-conventional water resources, bringing technical solutions directly to the people. The heart of the exhibition is a collection of case studies and methodologies on the reuse of treated wastewater. Thirteen projects told through an original and sustainable apparatus. The main objective of the exhibition is to facilitate access to and the promotion of good practices in unconventional forms, taking into account the user experience.