The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

Practical Guide - Toward a Municipal Waste Management Plan 2.0 - ITA

This publication represents the final product, an overview, and as well ‘a baton to pass’ after the waste management efforts undertaken in and by three municipalities as part of the CLIMA project. This publication aims to share experiences and best practices from the CLIMA project, focusing on three municipalities from different countries. The target audience includes public and private entities, particularly Mediterranean municipalities seeking to improve waste management and adopt the zero waste approach. By providing guidance, showcasing different starting points, and sharing vital information, this publication aims to inspire and support practical steps towards the transition to zero waste.

Practical Guide - Toward a Municipal Waste Management Plan 2.0 - FR

This publication represents the final product, an overview, and as well ‘a baton to pass’ after the waste management efforts undertaken in and by three municipalities as part of the CLIMA project. This publication aims to share experiences and best practices from the CLIMA project, focusing on three municipalities from different countries. The target audience includes public and private entities, particularly Mediterranean municipalities seeking to improve waste management and adopt the zero waste approach. By providing guidance, showcasing different starting points, and sharing vital information, this publication aims to inspire and support practical steps towards the transition to zero waste.

Practical Guide - Toward a Municipal Waste Management Plan 2.0 - EN

This publication represents the final product, an overview, and as well ‘a baton to pass’ after the waste management efforts undertaken in and by three municipalities as part of the CLIMA project. This publication aims to share experiences and best practices from the CLIMA project, focusing on three municipalities from different countries. The target audience includes public and private entities, particularly Mediterranean municipalities seeking to improve waste management and adopt the zero waste approach. By providing guidance, showcasing different starting points, and sharing vital information, this publication aims to inspire and support practical steps towards the transition to zero waste.

Integrate Municipal Waste Management Plan - Municipality of Bickfaya (Lebanon)

This is one of the Integrated Municipal Waste Management Plans (IMWMP) developed within the CLIMA project. The IMWMP incorporates specific measures to manage waste, including organic waste, establish ambitious waste reduction targets, and promote the reuse of organic components.

Integrate Municipal Waste Management Plan - Municipality of Mahdia (Tunisia)

This is one of the integrated Municipal Waste Management Plans (IMWMP) developed within the CLIMA project framework. The IMWMP incorporates specific measures to manage waste, including organic waste, establish ambitious waste reduction targets, and promote the reuse of organic components.

Interactive web platform

The interactive web platform has been created to foster the dialogue and establish a network among countries by collecting, and sharing know-how, best practices, experiences and information on Non-Conventional Water sustainable management. The platform provides inputs on operational and policy measures that need to be taken into account in order to advance the use of NCW and efficient water re-use and management, inputs resulting from the awareness acquired during the development of the activities within the MENAWARA living labs and, later, following the discussions during the MEDWAYCAP innovation camps towards an integrated vision of the water governance at domestic and agricultural level. It consists of 6 sections: Best Practices on NCW, Legislation, Glossary, MENAWARA target countries and Governance.

The Effects of Nanoparticles- Zerovalent Iron on Sustainable Biomethane Production through Co-Digestion of Olive Mill Wastewater and Chicken Manure

The Effects of Nanoparticles- Zerovalent Iron on Sustainable Biomethane Production through Co-Digestion of Olive Mill Wastewater and Chicken Manure

NEX-LABS Joint Action Plan Recommendations.

After setting the priorities, specific and targeted recommendations were found imperative to outline the action plan that would ultimately generate an informed strategy, supporting the implementation of Living Labs (LLs) and ensuring the success of the intended Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus approach. As such, consecutive sessions with partners were organized that were diverse and ranged between virtual meetings and in person workshops that resembled the intended LLs. The MURAL, an interactive online platform, was used to host partners of these projects and experts in the field, engaging in discussions and fulfilling tasks required for the development of the Nexus Joint Action Plan (NJAP). The MURAL incorporated a series of steps to be followed during various sessions. The tool built upon the recommendations from previous NEX-LABS activities, implementing measures to assess and prioritize the necessary actions. As such, over several meetings and focus group discussions, partners were able to assign several targeted actions for the pre-assigned recommendations, identify the timeline and impacts of the actions, assigned scores, and ranked the priorities, by that validating the
determined priorities.

MYSEA Policy Papers

Policy documents of Italy and Lebanon, jointly developed with and for local institutions, for the promotion of job opportunities and skills development.

Med4Waste Capitalisation Conferences

This document outlines the implementation and the capitalization activities of the Med4Waste project and other related activities, i.e. the organisation of conferences in the framework of high-level summits in 2023.

Med4Waste Mentoring Scheme Report

Report about the implementation of the Med4Waste Integrated Waste Management Mentoring Scheme, with the participation of six sub-national public authorities from the Mediterranean Region.

Med4ZeroWaste & Circular Economy Online Course

The content of the course is based on the experiences of the five projects capitalized by Med4Waste (DECOST, MED-Ina, CLIMA, CEOMED and REUSEMED), the technical knowledge of Rezero Foundation and the Med4Waste project partners, as well as the current literature.