The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

Socio-Urban Circularity Workshops

This document contains materials related to workshops organised in Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Palestine and Jordan by the INNOMED-UP project, which aims to work with Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards the principles of the circular economy, including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement.

MEDWAYCAP Itinerant Exhibition

A travelling exhibition of posters and small models realised to tell the story of proposals for managing non-conventional water resources, bringing technical solutions directly to the people. The heart of the exhibition is a collection of case studies and methodologies on the reuse of treated wastewater. Thirteen projects told through an original and sustainable apparatus. The main objective of the exhibition is to facilitate access to and the promotion of good practices in unconventional forms, taking into account the user experience.

D2.2.2_Serious Game for enhancing cooperation

A Serious Game is a game designed to achieve a primary objective rather than just entertainment. Serious Games are tools for teaching, learning, and education. They help players learn experientially though play in order to put concepts into use. Serious games provide learners with the opportunities to transform experience into knowledge.

D2.2.1_SMC Toolkit

The Toolkit is composed by leaflets, booklets and factsheets then transformed into a graphic, user-friendly layout and translated in 3 languages to reach the widest audience. They are informal communication material, easy to
understand. They were distributed during national and international conferences and used as communication material to promote the main key outputs to the affected stakeholders.

D5.1.2_Training Material

The Training Material is translated in 3 languages (English, French and Arabic). It is composed by 6 Phases:
1.- SBE Method
2.- Decision-making process
3.- KPIs Building Scale
4.- KPIs Neighbourhood Scale
5.- KPIs City Scale
6.- Pilot Case Studies


The deliverable D5.1.3 describes the training activities carried out during implementation of the Sustainable MED Cities (SMC) project.
The new sustainable approach to spatial planning and management of Mediterranean cities, offered by the SMC project through the innovative tools and methodologies set up and tested during the project implementation needs public authorities, both technicians and decision-makers, properly trained in order to maximize the effectiveness in using them.
Two macro-types of training activities, in relation to the relative objectives, have been implemented during the project:
- courses addressed at the teams of the three pilot cities in order to support them in adopting the SMC tools and methodology;
- workshops aimed at wider external audiences to raise awareness and knowledge of the concerned stakeholders and spread the use of SMC tools in the MED area.