New features in the NEX-LABS Agora - explore the job bank to discover job opportunities in the Mediterranean

NEX-LABS project agora

The NEX-LABS Agora enriches its contents by integrating a brand new flow related to job opportunities in the Mediterranean region.

Click here to visit the job bank

The job bank has been developed by the PHEMAC project whom NEX-LABS has a strong collaboration with. The integration of the PHEMAC job bank is one of the activities foreseen to support the replication of NEXUS Driven Open Living Labs approach through a series of initiatives.

The job bank provides job opportunities in the Mediterranean Partner Countries region and aims to catalyze the matching of demand/offer related to the brokerage of promising Information and Communication Technologies applied to the Water Energy and Food nexus.

The integration has just been launched and new job opportunities will soon be available. We recommend you to regularly watch the space for being updated on the most recent job offers. 

If you represent an institution working in the Mediterranean area and you wish that your job opportunities are integrated into the flow, contact us! 

You can register to NEX-LABS Agora and thanks to the enhanced search functionality, save your favorite searches and add them to your personalized homepage.

It’s free and simple! Click here to register now