The Mediterranean ladies of the construction and public works' sector

To succeed professionally in certain sectors, willpower, hard work and family support are not enough. What is also needed is a mindset change at society level.

Project news

MedSNAIL in Spain commemorates International Women's Day by highlighting the role of Mediterranean women producers

Organic women producers from the Andarax Valley, MedSNAIL pilot area in Andalusia, promote their agri-food products with the project

Project news

INTERNISA in Jordan promotes its job platform in rural areas

INTERNISA Jordanian partner launched the campaign in rural areas to reach women who are not in Employment, Education or Training.

Project news

More than 50 enthusiastic volunteers "FOR OUR BEES" by the MedBEESinessHubs team in Cyprus

MedBEESinessHubs thanks the volunteers who joined the planting in Cyprus "FOR OUR BEES" on Sunday 5th March 2023

Project news

Project news

MEDUSA: Familiarization trip in Puglia, Italy

Regione Puglia, MEDUSA project’s partner in Italy, successfully hosted the MEDUSA Familiarization trip (FAM trip) from March 1st to 3rd, 2023 which aimed to promote the region's diverse adventure tourism o…

Project news

The experience of DECOST in waste management presented at Med4Waste capitalisation event

DECOST project partners presented the results obtained after the implementation of several variants of community composting along the Mediterranean

Project news

DECOST: Community composting can rapidly improve organic waste recycling performance

The DECOST project has been able to promote similar experiences to introduce community composting in different Mediterranean realities.

Project news

IPMED in Tunisia organised a conference tackling Intellectual Property Rights

About 100 participants took part from the academy, industry sectors and entrepreneurs.