Project news

AQUACYCLE invites water stakeholders to join Final Conference

The event will be organized as a hybrid event during 23 to 24 June 2023 with the theme: Transforming the Mediterranean through Eco-Innovative Water Recycling and Reuse.

Project news

BERLIN aligns with the commitment of the European Union for a sustainable energy future in Mediterranean region

The EU Ambassador to Israel visited Yhelim school where BERLIN pilot activities are taking place.

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG organizes events to promote the UNESCO Circeo Biosphere Reserve

The meeting intended to identifying strengths and weaknesses, threats and enabling factors of the area in order to define the shared objectives of the Action Plan on tourism p…

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG organized a co-creation workshop to select the energy renovation measures to implement in Tunisia

A co-creation workshop on “Building energy renovation measures implementation based on a Living Lab approach”. Read more.

Project news

Project news

Education, cleaning campaigns and new local partnerships: here are the spring news from ENSERES!

Read on key activities to enhance socio-ecological resilience in Mediterranean coastal areas, particularly in Tunisia and Lebanon.

Project news

Skills4Sports: the outcomes of the Strategic Alliance meet up in Palestine

In Palestine, about 300 young people have been trained in sports skills.

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG in Italy launches an action plan to promote the UNESCO Circeo Biosphere Reserve

Involving local actors in a workshop with the purpose of setting the basis for a participatory approach leading to the definition of an action plan for tourism promotion.