Project news

RE-MED organizes an open and free training in Lebanon

From February 20 to 24, 2023, RE-MED will organize a training course open to all and free of charge to train engineers in the circular economy applied to construction and demolition materials. Deadline to regis…

Project news

REUSEMED in Spain organised a bicycle mechanics and repair workshop

This activity, held this past Sunday, January 15, was free of charge.

Project news

DECOST: sharing the results of the community composting pilot experience with the citizens in Basilicata, Italy

The presentation to the citizens of Atella was a significant opportunity to inform and educate the community about the new composters

Project news

RESTART MED! embraces Regenerative Tourism

Take-outs of the "Regenerative Tourism: contributing to the well-being of the community" celebrated in Barcelona on Septembre 2022.

Project news

INTECMED en Tunisie présente leur projet d´incubateurs pour l´innovation

Cet infoday est une opportunité pour rapprocher les intervenants du monde économique et rassembler les acteurs de l’écosysteme de l’innovation et l’entrepreunariat dans la rég…

Project news

TRANSDAIRY highlights the power of Technologies in the Dairy Industry in Lebanon

The DairyTech Open Day brought together experts, farmers, researchers, business actors and startups to discuss and demonstrate the most promising Key Enabling Technologies (KE…

Project news

TRANSDAIRY continues the momentum to support technology transfer applied to the Dairy Value Chain

After closing the TRANSDAIRY Cross Border Brokerage Event, The Steering Committee members met on December 15th, in Tunisia, to review the pr…

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG can assess the sustainability of coastal tourism.

Local authorities are willing to implement the toolkit in their coasts´ management.

Project news

MAIA-TAQA in Egypt: Check all the details you need to know about the Innovation one-stop-shop launch event!

This event was organized by The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in cooperation with Confederation of Egyptian Eu…