
Project news

MedTOWN shares its experiences on social and solidarity economy

The project hosted an International Exchange Event for professionals coming from the Social and Solidarity Economy sector from Palestine, Tunisia, Jordan, Greece, Portugal and…

Project news

iHERITAGE Spanish Partner launches its first Holographic Exhibition "Gardens. Heritage and Dreams"

The exhibition, held by project partner El legado andalusí Andalusian Public Foundation has opened its doors on the 2nd of December in the 1…

Project news

PPI4MED in Tunisia presents a PPI model as an effective tool to take up societal challenges in the “Francophonie Summit 2022”

The PPI4MED partner in Tunisia, the ANPR, participated in a workshop held in the framework of the “Franco…

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG presents in Beirut the list of selected Municipalities that will update their energy efficiency plan

The event was organized on 29th and 30th November 2022 within the Beirut Energy Week - The Rebirth.

Project news

STAND Up!: MedWaves will join the agenda of the World Circular Economy Forum 2022 in Kigali (Rwanda).

The project’s Lead Partner co-organizes an Accelerator session entitled “Increasing the circularity of fashion”.

Project news

TEX-MED ALLIANCES - TheMedNew fashion brand entere the world of cinema

The TEX-MED Alliances project traveled to Bologna, Italy to participate in the TerraViva Film Festival and present TheMedNew brand to cinema people.

Project news

ESMES in Jordan announces the winner for the school's contest!

ESMES in Jordan announces the 6 public schools that participated in the contest on "energy efficiency" as winners, considering their high-quality performance.

Project news

GreenBuilding in Tunisia initiated the green building cluster!

GreenBuilding initiated the green building cluster and strengthened the synergies with Efficient Buildings project!

Project news

Roll-up your sleeves and join MedBEESinessHubs team in Lebanon for handcrafting Bee-products

The MedBEESinessHubs team from the Chamber of Zahle and Bekaa in Lebanon is organizing a 3-day training on apitherapy and handcrafting of honeybee products, from 8 to 10 Decem…