Project news

MedArtSal Project Supports White Gold Producers: Four Salinas in Anfeh Win the Lebanese Call for Proposals

The four proposals selected in Lebanon will contribute to MedArtSal project’s objectives in increasing the salinas sustainability and transl…

Project news

MoreThanAJob: Introductory session for sub-grant applicants in Jordan

Learn more about MoreThanAJob introductory session to set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of the project's sub-grants in Jordan.

Project news

GREENinMED: Extension of Israeli Innovation Vouchers call

The open call for hotels in Israel to receive a free sustainability consultation, as well as the open call for Israeli professionals to provide these consultations, have been extended until August 10th, 2021.

Project news

ESMES project to launch call for proposals for the energy rehabilitation in public schools

4 sub-grants will be awarded to the best energy rehabilitation projects for public schools in Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia.

Project news

IPMED and the University of Jordan work together to support innovators in intellectual property rights

A meeting was held between IPMED team and the University of Jordan to see how they can best support innovators through technical assistance …

Project news

BESTMEDGRAPE: Meet Luca and Elisa, two potential entrepreneurs from Italy

The Italian team is sure that participating in BESTMEDGRAPE will certainly contribute to the realization of their ambitions.

Project news

Egypt: GIMED opens a new call for applications to select green entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs selected will work on one-to-one coaching with experts and there will be grants for 4 selected ideas and start-ups amounting 7.500€ each.

Project news

Med Pearls: Calls for Slow Tourism product creation in Egypt, Italy, Palestine, Jordan & Greece

Up to 4 grants per country amounting up to € 20.000 for the best Slow Tourism Product proposals for Egypt, Italy, Palestine, Jordan and Gree…