Project news

GIMED: 10 green start-ups move to a new support phase in Lebanon

The selected solutions will receive additional tailored support to grow their green innovative ideas.

Project news


Project news

Spain: GREENinMED launches new innovation voucher call for SME tourism businesses

Selected SMEs in the tourism sector will receive expert support on efficieny in water and/or energy management.

Project news

BESTMEDGRAPE: call for the selection of 30 future entrepreneurs in France

The ten best ideas will receive 5,000 euros and personalized advice to develop their business.

Project news

STAND Up!: deadline for applications on circular fashion and textile entrepreneurship extended!

All five partner countries have agreed on extending the deadline for the #STANDUpAccelerator call until March the 31st.

Project news

Italy: MED GAIMS supports designers in developing tourism-targeted games

With the granting of 60,000 euros to startups, MED GAIMS enters its most creative phase with the opportunity to present the attractiveness of the city of Alghero, Italy.

Project news

MedArtSal webinar to support the applicants interested in the sub-grants call for proposals held on 26th February

Managers and owners of salinas in Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia actively participated to MedArtSal webinar on 26th of February.

Project news

Spain:GREENinMED launches call for innovation vouchers dedicated to tourism SMEs

The call aims at supporting water and energy efficiency in tourism SMEs. Each innovation voucher will have a maximum budget of 2,000 euros.