Project news

TEX-MED ALLIANCES: high participation from Mediterranean textile and clothing companies in project first call

More than 60 applications were submitted by SMEs in call aiming to support initiatives related to circular economy, health emergencies, and …

Project news

Egypt: GIMED launches call for green entrepreneurs

Innovate, take risks and lead the green transformation in Egypt with the GIMED project. Apply until 28 February 2021.

Project news

MEDSt@rts, Italy: candidates admitted to the interviews

30 candidates have been admitted to the next phase and will therefore be contacted by the Fondazione di Sardegna for individual interviews.

Project news

Italy: GIMED launches a call for applications for Italian green ventures

The selected ventures will have access to a training on sustainable entrepreneurship, personalized coaching and the opportunity to win 4 grants worth € 7,500.

Project news

Palestine: EU-funded CROSSDEV project launches call for sub-grants to help local authorities develop sustainable tourism

EXTENDED DEADLINE - JAN 3rd - Six sub-grants for local authorities for projects about the new segment of the Palestine Heritage Trail.

Project news

Palestine: GIMED call for green entrepreneurs

You have an innovative idea or a green solution that responds to an environmental problem and you would like to turn it into a sustainable and successful business? The GIMED project is looking for you.

Project news

GREENinMED to give a new impetus to tourist accommodations in the Mediterranean

Capenergies recently presented the project technological and financial opportunities for SMES of the hotel/accommodation sector.

Project news

MoreThanAJob to award €200,000 in sub-grants to support innovative social schemes

The project will launch a competition to offer 10 grants for the development of innovative social schemes. The grant size will be €20,000 per proposal.

Project news

Israel: GREENinMED webinar for hotel owners and managers

The webinar, to be held on 16 November, will focus on innovation vouchers and grants available under the GREENinMED project to upgrade the environmental performance of hotels.