Project news

HELIOS engages 178 companies in the Blue and Circular economy sectors profiling

The results of the needs analysis of Blue and Circular economy companies from Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Greece, Palestine and Jordan are now available!

Project news

CLUSTER analysed the employment needs of 1,458 young people and women

Based on these reports, CLUSTER will better orientate the training courses based on four identified sectors with high employment potential related to blue, green and circular …

Project news

MedRiSSE: Do you know about the advantages of having a Digital Mediterranean Co-Production Lab?

A digital lab platform to assist Social and Solidarity Economy practitioners in the Mediterranean on the capitalisation and replication of s…

Project news

Project news

The joint mobility workshop of the TEC-MED project promotes good physical health in the elderly

From the TEC-MED project we believe that physical health is as important as mental health

Project news

The TEC-MED project carries out workshops in support of caregivers of the elderly

Elderly caregiver support courses were held online and in person.

Project news

SIRCLES in Greece launches a tender for the acquisition of bins for food waste collection

Organization Earth, SIRCLES project's partner in Greece, launches a tender for the acquisition of bins appropriate for food waste collection.  The deadline for submission…

Project news

MedTOWN will finance two Spanish pilot projects of social transformation in Seville and Huelva

Both pilot projects approved for funding intend to strengthen existing multi-lateral parternships between the SSE entities and the public se…

Project news

YEP MED in Marseille : 5 days to discover the many missions of service, trade, operation related to the port

20 trainees benefited from logitistcs and maritime trade in Marseille under YEP MED project