Project news

SIRCLES explores ways to tackle waste management in Ramallah, Palestine

Ramallah suffers from the high cost of transporting waste to remote landfills. Based on the experience of a previous project, SIRCLES could partly solve the problem in Beitell…

Project news

Management meeting in Cyprus: U-SOLVE partners to present urban entrepreneurial ecosystem roadmaps

U-SOLVE will develop a survey to assess the status quo of the urban entrepreneurial ecosystems in all partner countries and create 7 roadmap…

Project news

YEP MED in Spain launched its free online course in the port sector for the unemployed

The course will focus on international trade management, and will be offered to young people, women and the unemployed in the Valencia Port Community and its surroundings.

Project news

CLIMA promotes international cooperation on waste management at "Ecoforum Legambiente" event

Lebanese and Tunisian partners took part in the 2021 edition of one of the main events hosted by Legambiente: good practices, future goals a…

Project news

TEC-MED trains technical agents in charge of piloting the model for older people

A digital platform has been created to train the technical agents responsible of implementing the project care model for elderly.

Project news

INTERNISA in Palestine is looking for a trainer

Action Aid Palestine (AAP), Palestinian partner of INTERNISA, is looking for a trainer to develop the implementation of the training activities. Deadline for applications is 28th of November 2021.

Project news

The TEC-MED project provides the elderly with tools to improve their health and social wellbeing.

An innovative approach and interventions framework supporting elderly and caregivers in the Mediterranean basin.

Project news

DECOST: School kids in Anabta, Palestine, learned about waste management and composting

The students expressed their will to apply more composting experiences at their local school.