
Project news

Learn more SIRCLES project's Pilot Composting Facilities

The SIRCLES project’s partners in Spain, Greece, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia have created leaflets explaining the success stories within the pilot areas built under the ENI CBC Med Project.

Project news

Sustainable MED Cities presents its decision-making game for uran planning and the Final Conference in the 6th Newsletter

The Partners are preparing a dissemination event in each municipality and the Final Conference to be held in Athens (Greece) on November 23r…

Project news

RESMYLE in France : Water shortages due to drought - what if the old water routes were a solution?

11 young people discovered ancestral solutions for safeguarding water within RESMYLE workshop organised by OPUS association

Project news

RESMYLE in France: 2 eco-volunteers prepared the scientific international congress on dry stone

Sara and Seifeddine, 2 eco-volunteers, prepared the scientific international congress on dry stone with OPUS association, partner of RESMYLE…

Project news

SIRCLES shares policy toolkit for sustainable waste management

The SIRCLES model, implemented to tackle organic waste composting challenges in Mediterranean countries, offers crucial insights into sustainable waste management. It encompasses technology, regulations, and aw…


Project news

FruitFlyNet-ii develops smart applications against two fruit flies key-pests

Farm owners in Italy, Spain, Lebanon, Tunisia, Greece have agreed to run the systems implemented by the project against the olive fly and the Mediterranean fruit fly.

Project news

NAWAMED presents water management pilots implemented in Jordan

Greywater treatment and Nature-Based Solutions are transforming water management in Jordan.

Project news

GreenBuilding partners met in Greece to discuss on the final energy renovation works!

GreenBuilding partners met in Greece to discuss on the final energy renovation works!