Project news

SIRCLES training in Tunisia impacted the lives of 92 NEETs and women

The trainees learnt new techniques, are more aware of the value of organic waste, are willing to change some habits regarding farming and see some jobs opportunities in the ho…

Project news

HELIOS is hiring an economic operator in Italy

The deadline for submitting applications is the 27th May 2022 at 13:00 (Italian local time).

Project news

Peach trees blooming in Med Pearls Imathia pilot area of Greece

The awakening of nature takes place in the plain of Imathia, Greece.

Project news

GIMED: Sustainable bags and accessories, fashionable products made out of recycled tire tubes in Lebanon

Vea is an innovative business focused on reusing materials and upcycling them that focuses on promoting an ethical consumerism.

Project news

NAWAMED showcases to professionals the greywater treatment system installed in the school of Ferla, Sicily

More than a dozen professionals participate in the first of many "school camps" to showcase how greywater can be collected, treate…

Project news

Join ENSERES partners to celebrate the importance of Mediterranean specially protected areas

SPAMI Day 2022, a month of interactions for the network of the Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas is promoted by ENSERES

Project news

REUSEMED in Spain is looking for technical assistance to develop REUSEMED APP

ANEPMA, a Project Partner of REUSEMED, is looking for a company to provide technical assistance to the partnership with the works of development and creation of REUSEMED APP. …

Project news

REUSEMED in Tunisia launches a tender for waste collection and storage systems

The municipality of Sakiet Ezzit in Tunisia has made public on TUNEPS (Tunisia E-Procurement System) the conditions for the supply of composters, tables, fire extinguishers, t…