Project news

Project news

STAND Up! launches the Eco-innovations Marketplace

The STAND Up! Transfer of eco-innovative technologies Marketplace aims to support the development of innovative solutions crowd-sourced through the Open-eco innovation platform.

Project news

ESMES in Tunisia organized a small-scale event to celebrate the closure of the schools contest on sustainable energy behaviours!

The main objective of the schools' contest is to raise awareness in the educational sector of the im…

Project news

Energy efficiency: SEACAP 4 SDG partners presented the project's demo cases during a meeting hosted by IVE in Valencia

Second appointment of the three-day Spanish dissemination event held in Valencia. Read more.

Project news

STAND Up! publishes the WeMed Award Catalogue: Discover talented textile eco-entrepreneurs!

Interested in mapping eco-innovative textile entrepreneurs across the Med? This catalogue presents the top start-ups proposals submitted to the WeMed Award 2022.

Project news

Israel: GREENinMED awards grants to Start-Ups or SMEs that produce eco-innovative products or services

Seven grants with up to 22,500 Euro were given to Start-Ups or SMEs in Israel that produce eco-innovative products or services that advance …

Project news