Project news

AQUACYCLE: Sharing the purpose and outcomes of a SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis of the local governance framework with respect to wastewater treatment and reuse has been conducted in Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.

Project news

[RESMYLE] The network is growing...

Tunisia: AERE Hammamet and CSFM Nabeul ogether to test the activities on raising awareness on sustainable development among NEETs.

Project news

[RESMYLE] Raising awareness on sustainable development... Easy!

Discover "The journey of my Jeans", a fun activity to make young people aware of the environmental consequences of globalized production.

Project news

TEX-MED ALLIANCES and STAND Up! projects join forces for sustainability in the Mediterranean textile and fashion industry

TEX-MED ALLIANCES and STAND Up! projects will be holding a joint web conference on November 5th to share their main interest: circular econo…

Project news

MoreThanAJob: evaluation of the project environmental impact for the first year

MoreThanAJob partner 'Eurotraining' conducted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the first year of activities with inputs from all project partners.


Project news

Tunisia: CLIMA project contributes to the upgrade of the Waste Management Plan of the Municipality of Mahdia

The first international forum of CLIMA project took place from October 22 to 24 in Tunisia to improve the performance of municipalities in …

Project news

AQUACYCLE Webinar joined by 70 water stakeholders in Spain

Co-organized by AQUACYCLE partners PSA-CIEMAT and ESAMUR, the webinar took place on 8 October 2020

Project news

[MENAWARA] Ziad Abdul Jalil, Palestinian farmer, needs high quality treated water

Ziad Abdul Jalil is 35 years old farmer, father of six children. “We do lack to drinkable water. We are forced to purchase high priced tankered water for agriculture”.

Project news

Med-EcoSuRe concludes series of webinars on effective energy renovation in Mediterranean universities

The aim of the webinars was to share knowledge and best practices in the field of universities buildings efficient renovations.