Project news

Project news

Young researchers discuss their involvement in the CEOMED project

They are young and talented. They are the future of science. In this article, we would like to introduce our young researchers from Greece, Italy, Tunisia and Spain.

Project news

NAWAMED: 4 knowledge transfer webinars on domestic water reuse

The Italian partner IRIDRA is developing a set of knowledge transfer webinars to transfer information to the project partners that will implement the pilot water installations in Italy, Jordan and Lebanon.

Project news

[Med-EcoSuRe] Upcoming MED BeX.Live webinar to focus on the techno-economic assesment of on-grid PV systems

The 4th MED BeX.Live webinar will be hosted by the Energy Research Center of An Najah University , partner of Med-EcoSuRe project, and is sc…

Project news

GreenBuilding project pilot building for the energy refurbishment at the Greater Irbid Municipality in Jordan

GreenBuilding will support 3 cost-effective public buildings energy refurbishment in Greece, Tunisia and Jordan. One of the energy refurbish…

Project news

COMMON: Whatever you throw into the sea will come back to you

More than 62 million of debris are estimated to be floating in the Mediterranean Sea – one of the six areas most affected by marine litter in the world. COMMON is taking actions to address this challenge.

Project news

AQUACYCLE: productive meetings with stakeholders in Lebanon

Ahead of the Stakeholder Workshop in Tripoli on July 25, 2020, the Lebanese University team met up with the mayor of Tripoli and the director of North Lebanon’s Water Establishment.

Project news

BEEP Lebanese partner is looking for an external auditor

The deadline for receiving proposals is 22 July 2020.

Project news

LIVINGAGRO for Mediterranean agroforestry, overview about the progress of activities

Read a detailed overview of the ongoing project activities for achieving the two olive multifunctional systems and grazed woodlands Living Laboratories.