Project news

CROSSDEV: What is sustainable tourism? A definition

Sustainable tourism, ecotourism, responsible tourism: did you end up lost? Get back on track with CROSSDEV’s glossary on the latest forms of tourism.

Five projects join forces to improve wastewater reuse

It is expected that these projects will use nearly 1 million m3 of treated wastewater per year for agriculture and domestic purposes.

Project news

MED-InA: first Zero Waste workshop in France

On the 20th of February 2020, the MED-InA project team organised its first Zero Waste workshop gathering partners, municipalities and experts.


Project news

FISH MED NET project highlights the difficulties of the fisheries sector and presents its objectives in its first newsletter!

Read our first newsletter to learn about FISH MED NET project, its goals, the project partners, the lates…

Project news

AQUACYCLE - My Autobiography - Landed in Thessaloniki

My very first journey took me to Thessaloniki which is considered the cultural capital of Greece for its festivals, events and vibrant cultural life in general.

New job vacancies under funded projects

The AQUACYCLE, Co-Evolve4BG and CEOMED projects are hiring!

Project news

15 June 2020
MENAWARA participates in the celebration of the 2020 Desertification and Drought Day

On Wednesday June 17 at 12 P.M., MENARAWA will participate in the webinar: "SDG-30 vs COVID-19: Opportunities from combating desertification".