Project news

12 June 2020
COMMON project: call for purchase of a spectrometer

The Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) of Tunis has launched a call for tenders with simplified procedures for the acquisition of scientific equipment FTIR spectrometer.

Project news

10 June 2020
Salinas in Tunisia: an ecological and biological wealth to preserve

The project MedArtSal aims to preserve the Tunisian salina Sidi El Hani peculiar biological richness and improve its economic sustainability.

Project news

10 June 2020
Energy efficiency: learn more about the Egyptian BEEP case study "Cordahi Building"

The Cordahi building, located in the city of Alexandria, is one of the two BEEP case studies in Egypt for the energy rehabilitation process.

Project news

Project news

08 June 2020
COMMON: call for ENI CBC Med capitalisation projects, two webinars in Italy

Save the dates! On 12 June and 18 June, two online events will take place aimed at potential Italian applicants for the ENI CBC MED capitalisation call.

Project news

08 June 2020
BEEP project: discover the Egyptian pilot building

The Horreya Center for Creativity in Alexandria becomes one of the two Egyptian pilots of the BEEP project.

Project news

04 June 2020
AQUACYCLE upcoming stakeholder workshop in Tripoli, Lebanon

The new date of the event will be announced as soon as possible.