Project news

03 May 2020
Do you want to meet the faces of CEOMED? Part 2

CEOMED is a project about the valorisation of waste from open-local markets to obtain energy and fertilisers and develop an entire process with the objective of Zero waste.

Project news

30 April 2020
BEEP: first technical meeting for the energy renovation intervention in Cyprus

The Cyprus BEEP team held a first technical meeting with a grouyp of engineers to discuss the energy intervention planning of the pilot case, the ‘British Cavalry Club’ in Nic…

Project news

30 April 2020
Water management: MENAWARA Steering Committee met online

MENAWARA Steering Committee met online to summarize past six months activities and to plan the new actions under the COVID-19 constraints.

Project news

30 April 2020
Who we are? MEDISS presents CRENoS (Centre for North South Economic Research)

MEDISS presents the Italian Partner CRENoS (Centre for North South Economic Research).

Project news

30 April 2020
Energy efficiency: pilot sites of BERLIN project in Italy

A rooftop PV system will be installed, with a total peak power of 40-kWp, on one of the buildings of the University of Cagliari campus, Italy.

Project news

28 April 2020
Meet the faces of CEOMED project? Part 1

Stefano Papirio from the University of Naples Federico II discusses the use anaerobic digestion for the treatment of organic waste.

Project news

28 April 2020
COMMON: a lasting Mediterranean network to stop marine litter

Interview of Serena Carpentieri, Deputy Director of Legambiente Onlus, for Europuglia.

Project news

27 April 2020
BEEP project: discover the Jordanian pilot

The 100 years old “Municipal Guest House” will become the BEEP pilot case study in Jordan for energy rehabilitation.

Project news

27 April 2020
COMMON Project: postponement of Clean Up the Med Campaign

In light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, we are postponing the Clean Up the Med 2020 to early Autumn in order to provide a safer experience to all the participants.