Project news

Spain: MENAWARA provides education and training on nature-based solutions for wastewater re-use amidst Mediterranean water scarcity crisis.

Mediterranean countries are struggling with water scarcity, and the problem has only worsened due recent …

Project news

Plan your trip to Umm Qais, Jordan, one of CROSSDEV’s Hidden Mediterranean destinations

Well-preserved ancient ruins, breathtaking views, unique atmosphere: create your own sustainable itinerary or follow one we've created for you!

Project news

MED-InA in Spain supports Cerian Shower, a greywater energy saving solution

Winner of the business award, this project installs shower trays with integrated energy recovery equipment.

Project news

RESTART MED! Interviews Gilbert Moukheiber, Lebanese sustainable tourism entrepreneur

RESTART MED! Interviews Gilbert to know more about the trends and challenges of sustainable tourism and the impact of the project in Lebanon.

Project news

ARTOLIO presents the impact of drought on olive trees

As a drought-tolerant crop, olive trees are naturally adapted to arid and semi-arid climates. However, even these resilient trees can suffer adverse effects when faced with prolonged periods of water scarcity.

Project news

ARTOLIO highlights the impact of olive oil in the Mediterranean cuisine

Olive oil is a fundamental ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, and its impact on the culinary traditions of the region cannot be overstated. From its historical significance …

Project news

400 young bees explorers in Lebanon for the "World Bee Day" with MedBEESinessHubs

Young students from Zahle in Lebanon had the opportunity to explore the Bees world. This successful event organized by the Chamber of Zahle and Bekaa on the occasion of the &#…