Project news

PPI4MED in Tunisia participates in ICT brokerage event to promote innovation

Public innovation market requires close cooperation between research centres, the public sector and the private sector to stimulate innovation and foster economic growth.

Project news

PPI4MED workshop on bio-medical innovation: from bench to bedside

Linking results of medical research with SMEs who can developed the relevant devices is crucial to ensure its transfer and application in public health services.

Project news

Innovation: TRANSDAIRY shines at INTECMED ENI CBC MED Expo-Conference

The TRANSDAIRY Living Lab of ESIM showcased its innovative Bio-Nanotechnologies & ICT projects for the Dairy Value Chain at the INTECMED ENI CBC MED expo-conference event.…

Project news

MedArtSal: Interview with Fares Hached from SODIMER on the diversification in salinas of Kerkennah Islands

Interview with Fares Hached from SODIMER to learn more about their income-generating activities as part of the MedArtSal pilot action in the…

Project news

MED-QUAD in Egypt organises a training on City Development Groups

It is about the 2nd training session which will take place from 21 to 25 of May 2023 in Egypt.

Project news

ReSt@rts Project Publishes Comprehensive Booklet for Microfinance Providers

The publication aims to provide microfinance operators with a single, user-friendly document that offers insights and information on microfinance measures currently active in …