Project news

Project news

Project news

STAND Up!: Discover the textile challenges in Egypt and present your eco-innovation solution

The winning start-up will be rewarded with a voucher of 20.000€ to develop its solution and to be spent on prototyping.

Project news

GIMED: Native Nurseries are empowering resilient landscaping in Lebanon

This Lebanese start-up with an environmental mission has taken part in GIMED training activities.

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG delivers the Local Living Lab training on public building renovation in Spain

SEACAP 4 SDG transfers knowledge on public building renovation through a Living Lab approach in Spain. Read more details.

Project news

Deadline extended NEX-LABS support vouchers for innovators, researchers, university students, entrepreneurs, and startups in Lebanon

New application deadline for Testing vouchers,Incubation vouchers and Commercialization prize: 14 April 2…

Project news

DECOST: Jordanian Agriculture Directorates visited the pilot project to learn how to better deal with organic waste

The DECOST project team in Jordan held a workshop in Irbid to present their pilot community composting pilot to deal with urban organic wast…