Project news

MED-QUAD´s cross border collaboration yields promising results in sustainable biomethane research

Jordan-Egypt research on sustainable biomethane creates cross-border commercialisation prospects in environmental & clean tech under MED…

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG presents its achievements at public event “Green and Efficient Cities for a Sustainable Mediterranean” in Tunis

The event saw the participation of the project partners representatives as well as local and international institutional and professional p…

Project news

NEX-LABS selected the winners of the 20 mobility vouchers for Mediterranean innovators

The selected individuals will participate in two fact-finding missions, one in Italy (April 2023) and another in Spain (July 2023).

Project news

DECOST: Community composting can rapidly improve organic waste recycling performance

The DECOST project has been able to promote similar experiences to introduce community composting in different Mediterranean realities.

Project news

iHERITAGE Project Showcases Cutting-Edge Technology to Senior Expert of the ENI CBC MED Program

Prof. Khaled Elsaadany, Senior Expert of the EU-funded Program, observed the iHERITAGE virtual and augmented reality products during a recen…

Project news

2nd EXTENSION: Call for Applications: Secretariat Service for TECHLOG Living Lab Animation and Management in Tunisia

TECHLOG partner in Sfax is seeking a qualified individual or organization to provide Secretariat Service for the animation and management of…

Project news

LIVINGAGRO, latest Greek field visits enhances further cooperation between agroforestry research and production stakeholders

The project's mission concerning technological transfer continues in Greece where olive millers and growers are asked to discuss and ex…