Project news

MEDUSA: Call for tenders for the training of trainers on sustainability in adventure tourism for local guides

The Rene Moawad Foundation, MEDUSA's partner in Lebanon is launching a call for tenders for the provision of training of trainers on su…

Project news

RESET: Call for IT developers and web designers in Italy!

The selected candidate will be in charge of implementing an online toolbox to capitalise EU-projects in green entrepreneurship.

Project news

RESET: Call for a graphic designer in Italy!

The selected candidate will be in charge of implementing graphic designs for the development of the RESET’s Capitalisation Platform.

Project news

STAND Up! searches a digital communication agency to handle the Open Eco-Innovation platform

CITET, based in Tunisia, launches a call for applications for companies specialised in IT and experience with European projects.

Project news

STAND Up! launches a call for experts to deliver incubation services to textile and fashion entrepreneurs

CITET, based in Tunisia, aims at ensuring technical support for eco-innovative start-ups in the clothing sector.

Project news

MEDUSA: Call for Participants for a Study Tour to Puglia

The MEDUSA Project is announcing a call for Participants for a Study Tour to Puglia Region aiming at developing cross-border routes & itineraries, in the form of new and/or improved Adventure Tourism produc…

Project news

MedArtSal promotes knowledge exchange on microalgae exploitation in salinas

MedArtSal project continued its cross-fertilisation activities through knowledge exchange between the University of Cadiz and SAIDA for the cultivation of microalgae in salina…

Project news

Italy: MEDSt@rts organises its final event "Mediterranean entrepreneurs"

On the 6th of July, MEDSt@rts final event in Cagliari (Italy) to discuss way to boost entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

Project news

TRANSDAIRY: Call for expression of interest in the participation in the third round of entrepreneurship training sessions in Greece

TRANSDAIRY invites dairy value chain stakeholders to apply to the 3rd round of entrepreneurship training …