Project news

YEP MED in Spain designs an indicator system to monitor the employability of the port sector

The Port of Barcelona's Training and Employment working group has developed a system of indicators to follow up the achievements and assess the impact of social projects …

Project news

Holoportation could reinvent tourism: conclusions from MED GAIMS applications in Spain

Marc Martos, Media Team Development Leader at i2CAT Foundation, expresses his view of the MED GAIMS project and the possibilities of the synergies between tourism and innovati…

Project news

Sardinia to attract young and female beekeepers through the MedBEESinessHubs project

According to the Beekeeping Database indicators, 1767 beekeepers operate on Sardinian territory.

Project news

Food Expo Athens March 2022: LIVINGAGRO generates great interest from the olive oil producer world

The attendace of a project partner representative ensured visibility and capitalization of project results at the event

Project news

U-SOLVE in Egypt presents the needs of Alexandria's entrepreneurial ecosystem

Interviews with 63 public and private actors revealed the urgent need for more co-design structures in entrepreneurship development and more opportunities for international co…

Project news

Towards sustainability: ARTOLIO supports José Luis García Ramírez, olive farmer from Jaen (Spain)

ARTOLIO takes pride in supporting those who are committed to the environment and as respectful towards it as possible. José Luis García Ramí…

Meet Ahmed and Mai, two participants in INVESTMED business management training on the green, blue and creative economy

Ahmed and Mai were provided with expertise to introduce sustainability in their enterprises and business ideas.

Project news

STAND Up!: Call for experts to deliver finance training and consultancy for green fashion and textile start-ups in Egypt

SEKEM Development Foundation will collect applications for the call for proposals until the 21th of April.

Project news

MEDUSA: Edom Adventures seeking sustainability of Adventure Tourism in Jordan

The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, MEDUSA project’s partner in Jordan, awarded Edom Adventures the MEDUSA Sub-Grant.