Project news

Participation of ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM in the Greek Agrofood Cluster

The Agrofood Cluster of the Region of Western Greece has as its main objective the promotion of agri-food products produced in the Region to national and international markets

Project news

GREENLAND in Egypt will offer free training to NEETS in green skills

After analysing employers´ needs in the green economy sector, GREENLAND in Egypt is now ready to offer trainings to NEETs to support them in acquiring needed skills and increa…

Project news

MED-InA in Spain supports 4 start-ups and innovative ideas towards zero waste

Through financial support and an incubation period, these 4 winners out of 29 candidates cover textile, footwear and energy saving of hot water.

Project news

GIMED: Neobloq, a green solution to dispose of single-use plastics to serve the construction industry

Nourine El-Hawary launched a meaningful project to create building blocks as an alternative to conventional materials.

Project news

Med Pearls Greek pilot areas' traditional customs and rituals

Are we ready for the carnival? How the crazy carnival days in Greece are connected with Easter holidays?

Project news

DECOST participates in the “Spring Tulkarm Carnival & Exhibition” at Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie

Some innovation projects from palestinian universities were presented in the exhibition, being the DECOST composting units one of the elemen…

Project news

Project news

The ARTOLIO project continues building bridges between the different cultures that make it up

Despite their different cultural backgrounds, the partners of the project got to know the area as well as to establish bonds between themselves outside the workplace.