Project news

MEDUSA: Investing in the rich diversity of Horsh Ehden in Lebanon

Discover Horsh Ehden, the winner of the MEDUSA Sub-Grant in Lebanon.

Project news

GIMED: Urban Hives, an initiative that reintroduces gardens in parking lots in Lebanon

The Lebanese start-up has been trained by the EU-funded project to develop its own green business plan.

Project news

Tunisia: RESTART MED! is looking for an auditor

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is looking for a professional and external auditor to ensure that all the expenses are correctly implemented.

Project news

GIMED: Green Plus, automated and rapid smart distributors for recycling plastic bottles in Tunisia

Citizens can act as plastic waste collectors and receive a constant income as a return, at the same time that they reduce the environmental …

Project news

New deadline: STAND Up! extends the call for applications to develop financial literacy skills for fashion ventures

The ‘Access to Finance’ call will be open until next 29th of March in Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Egypt to give a wider opportunity for all in…

Project news

Project news

ReSt@rts supports non-bankable young people in the Mediterranean through crowdfunding

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) gives us insight into the Rest@rts project implementation in Cyprus.

Project news

Med Pearls presents: living the slow tourism in Palestine

Learn about tourism oportunities in Jenin and Jerusalem Wilderness: a lot to see, a lot to learn, a lot to discover.

Project news

Medartsal becomes reality in the Italian saltworks of Cervia and Marsala

MedArtSal becomes reality in two Italian saltworks. Under the coordination of MEDSEA the Cervia (Emilia Romagna) and Marsala (Sicily) saltworks have begun to implement the pro…