Project news

How a historical site wins its gamification opportunity: lessons from Spain

MED GAIMS have started releasing its Gamification Development Framework for its partners. The GDF describes the country’s strategy for the applications of gamification in its …

Project news

New Spanish water and energy technologies and providers indentified by GREENinMED

GREENinMED has consulted technological centres specialized in water and energy from Valencia and Andalusia in order to promote collaboration on sustainable projects between te…

Project news

The ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project brings together stakeholders of organic agriculture in the Mediterranean

The project gathered the partners and private sector agents, in order to boost the sector and establish alliances among ministries, business…

Project news

MEDUSA: Workshop for applicants of the Mediterranean sub-grant adventure tourism competition in Puglia

A workshop on tourism business planning, international sales & marketing, and market access was held in Puglia.

Project news

INVESTMED entrepreneurs share their experience of Sustainable Business Management training

The INVESTMED Sustainable Business Management Academy is in full flow, providing practical, hands-on knowledge and expertise to a new generation of entrepreneurs in key sector…

Project news

Med Pearls: Meet our Subgrant Awardee - HubAdventure from Egypt!

Learn about the winners of the slow tourism product creation call for subgrants, First stop: Egypt!


Project news

Rest@rts Project is looking for an external auditor in Lebanon

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Saida, Lebanese partner of the Rest@rts Project is looking for an external auditor. Deadline for submission: 4 March 2022

Project news

TheMedNew fashion brand of the TEX-MED ALLIANCES project showcased at Athens Fashion Trade Show

The participation of the textile business platform and Mediterranean fashion brand TheMedNew at the Athens Fashion Trade Show attracts the i…