Project news

STAND Up!: More than 30 economy enablers gather to foster Open Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean

The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) organized an internal webinar to approach the process of e…

Project news

A closer look at the Med Pearls destinations: Jerusalem Wilderness, a breath-taking land to explore

Join us in a series of articles to discover the different "pearls" of the Med Pearls network. In this publication, we invite you t…

Project news

How MED GAIMS could add to your tourism adventures in Jordan

Receiving a friend from Lebanon triggered a touristic adventure in my own country. That is what MED GAIMS is trying to do through gamification experiences.

Project news

MED GAIMS partners from 3 countries gathered in Villanova, Spain for game testing

MED GAIMS partners from Italy, Lebanon, and Jordan visited Villanova and tested the gamified experiences of the Agency of Secrets.

Project news

Med Pearls look into 2021: reviewing and wishing you happy holidays!

The Med Pearls partners had a very intense year, in this article we want to make a recap of 2021, say thank you to who is making this project possible and wish a happy new yea…

Project news

Youth Empowerment Day in Jordan with CROSSDEV

An interactive day with local youth to present projects and opportunities to get involved, boost their careers and make the most for their surroundings

Project news

MEDUSA: Call for tender for the development of Mediterranean Adventure Web Portal

MEDUSA project is launching a call for tenders for submitting a "Development of Mediterranean Adventure Web Portal". Deadline is January 19, 2022.

ReSt@rts is looking for an external auditor in Italy

The deadline for receiving the offers is 10/01/2022, 12 pm.