Project news

MED-Ina in Jordan supports 4 circular economy projects in Irbid!

Vermicomposting, hydroponic farming systems, an online marketplace to connect farmers to businesses, quality bags produced with impact on the employment of women refugees and …

Project news

STAND Up!: Transforming tennis racket strings into quality sportswear, a new start-up seeing the light in Spain

Infinite Athletic has recently launched its own website and it’s ready to sell recycled garments through an online shop.

Project news

Two information days announced for INVESTMED grant scheme to support entrepreneurship

Applications are open for small businesses and business support organisations to receive funding from the EU-funded INVESTMED project. There is still time to apply - come to a…

Project news

Med Pearls: slow travel tips of the month of December

Let us guide you through yet more interesting tips, locations and festivities of the Mediterranean region!

Project news

MEDSt@rts is considered a case study among the European cross-border cooperation projects for economic development

The financial inclusion initiative was included in the latest EU-funded TESIM publication.

Project news

STAND Up!: Draped evening dresses and bag patchworks created by upcycling handmade blankets in Tunisia

Lamia Hamrouni is the entrepreneur behind Lami Mode, a start-up which is benefiting from the incubation phase in Tunisia.

Project news

MEDUSA: Explore Iraq Al-Amir village in Jordan

Iraq Al-Amir village is located around half an hour from Jordan’s capital, Amman. Iraq Al-Amir is known as being one of the natural habitats of the black iris, Jordan’s national flower.

Project news

MEDSt@rts: the mid-term conference on microfinance and youth entrepreneurship in the Lebanese press

Read some articles published after the event organized last November 4 by the Chamber of Commerce of Sidon

Project news

GIMED: Decoration items from recycled materials, a way of tackling waste in Palestine

BeitCOM relies on producing decoration crafting products with Islamic calligraphy in order to maintain traditional and deep-rooted culture and art.