Project news

MEDUSA - France: the world's first tourist destination

France remains, after more than 25 years, the world’s first tourist destination with 89.4 million foreign visitors in 2018, with an increase of 3% over one year.

Project news

A closer look at the Med Pearls destinations: As-Salt, a little ancient marble

Join us in a series of articles to discover the different "pearls" of the Med Pearls network. In this first publication, we invite you to explore the city of As-Salt…

Project news

STAND Up!: Innovative training to mentors for next incubation phase delivered

The Trainings of Trainers (ToT) has been organised within the framework of the STAND Up! Growing Innovation Programme.

Project news

Greece: 15 MEDSt@rts business ideas have been selected and will receive up to 10,000 euros

The selected entrepreneurs will use this financial support to strengthen their business activity.

Project news

Med Pearls: Open call to create a pool of mentors in the field of sustainable/slow tourism product creation

Selected experts will provide technical expertise to Destination Management Companies (DMCs) or Incoming Travel Agencies to develop Slow Tou…

Project news

Italy: MED GAIMS launches a playful itinerary to discover the city of Alghero

The act of play has become a central concept to enhance participatory processes among citizens and visitors fostering a new way to explore Alghero and interact with its cultur…

Project news

MED GAIMS allows the fascination of the details of heritage sites

The architectural details of Mseilha fort are fascinating. Narrow steps cut into the rock lead to the fort; these steps lead to a terrace at entrance of the fort. A small door…

Project news

Meet Rand Agha, programmer, game designer and winner of MED GAIMS hackthon in Jordan

"The MED GAIMS grant helped me in making the Gadara Spinner Idea come true. Although I heard a lot about EU funding, but never thought I would win one. I realize now that…

Project news

A historic love story between a sailor and a net weaver is being told in MED GAIMS

SoulsVR is a 1st person Virtual reality immersive experience where the players are holoported inside a virtual environment representing the Victor Balaguer library and must so…