Project news

Job vacancy for expert in cultural heritage gamification strategies within MED GAIMS – Lebanon

As part of MED GAIMS (gamification in tourism) , the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) - Lebanon hires an external Cultural Heritage …

Project news

MEDUSA: Deltacleta in Catalonia: Our adventure is the landscape!

Delta de l'Ebre Natural Park is one of the most unique spaces in Catalonia. Alongside its wide variety of environments, marked by the river, the beaches or the lagoons.

Project news

SIRCLES: Potential opportunities and job creation in the circular economy in Jordan

SIRCLES project reviews the potential of jobs in the energy, water, agriculture and waste management sectors in Jordan.

Project news

JORDAN: PPI4MED is looking for an External Auditor

JORDAN: PPI4MED is looking for an External Auditor. Deadline for submission: 11/08/2021

Project news

Sustainable tourism: Universities from four countries sign cross-border agreement within the CROSSDEV project

International classes, the digitisation of tourism products and a virtual community for Mediterranean students. CROSSDEV’s latest cross-bord…

Project news

GIMED: Animal feeding made from food waste in Egypt

Protemeal is a start-up working on tackling food waste generated in houses and markets.

Project news

GIMED: Berytech launches a call for green start-ups in Lebanon

Eco-innovators running early-stage businesses will get the chance to develop and strengthen their capacities in order to secure investments and business opportunities. Apply before 5th September 2021

Project news

Med Pearls project in Jordan links sustainable tourism with coastal management.

Discovery Travel & Tourism LLC participated in the Synergy and Stakeholders Consultation workshop organised by MED4EBM.

Project news

INTECMED: Spanish partners bring together Andalusian universities to boost knowledge transfer

A step closer to our goal: this interactive session analysed the current barriers in the commercialisation of research results among key players of the Andalusian innovation e…