Project news

SIRCLES: Call for tender for an external auditor in Italy

The Italian Composting and Biogas Association – CIC, Italian partner of SIRCLES project, has launched a call for selecting an external auditor.

Project news

MED GAIMS: Financial manager vacancy available in Lebanon

As part of the MED GAIMS project requirements, the Directorate General of Antiquities - Lebanon is seeking to hire a financial manager. The assignment should cover the period until the end of the project in 202…

Project news

Spain: MED GAIMS touristic gamified experiences tested by end-users

Visitors of the 2021 edition of the Mobile Week in the city Vilanova i la Geltrú had the opportunity to test the touristic gamified experiences developed by MED GAIMS project.

Project news

Med Pearls: how to attract the Switzerland market with your Slow Tourism products?

In this series of articles, we will be presenting key-insights on how to commercialise Slow Tourism products to key outbound markets. On this edition: the keys of the Swiss ma…

Project news

STAND Up!: Meet the 34 projects in the fashion and clothing industry selected in Egypt

Green entrepreneurs and sustainable ventures will be engaged to achieve social inclusion and new job opportunities for women and young people.

Project news

MEDUSA: Giulia Lippolis and Antonella Ivone documenting the Apulian territories and its beauty

Meet Giulia Lippolis and Antonella Ivone: "Puglia is a treasure chest of biodiversity that offers a very diverse landscape".

Project news

TRANSDAIRY: Call for the first round of entrepreneurship training sessions in Greece

The two Greek ICT & Nano-Bio Living Labs invite stakeholders to apply to the first round of entrepreneurship training sessions before the 10th of July 2021.

Project news

GIMED: Boniviri, a start-up bringing high quality food to the table in Italy

Corrado Paterno is one of the entrepreneurs behind the project, which has completed the training sessions organised by Fondazione Communità di Messina.

Project news

Presentation of the project MedArtSal in Spain on the occasion of the UN Sustainable Gastronomy Day, 18 June

The developed activities of the project MedArtSal will be presented in a conference in the Bay of Cádiz Natural Park on the occasion of UN S…