Project news

Knight Templar is using MEDGAIMS to gather pieces of a treasure and flee to Cyprus

Education is a high-priority in “Save the Treasure”. After every treasure item is found, it is shown in 3D using Augmented-Reality and a short audio is played describing aspec…

Project news

Tunisia: OENOMED project recruits an auditor for the Technopole Management Company of Borj Cédria

Only envelopes received no later than June 25, 2021 at 2 p.m. will be declared admissible (date as per postmark by the management company ).

Project news

Gamification and museums: an interesting combination by MED GAIMS in Spain

Gamification in museums is not just about the use of technology, but about turning the visitor into an active subject that interacts with the exhibitions.

Project news

INTECMED meets PPI4MED to foster technology transfer and commercialisation of research results

The collaboration between the projects will consist in exchanging implementation models, know-how and outputs to boost mutual impact.

Project news

Project news

MEDSt@rts, Italy: aspiring entrepreneurs meet business mentor

The expert will support them with new services aimed at strengthening skills

Project news

Palestine: U-SOLVE is looking for an External Auditor

Bethlehem Municipality, partner of the U-SOLVE project, is looking for an External Auditor. Application deadline: 24/06/2021 at 13:00 CET.

Project news

Palestine: Stressing the importance of protecting local handicrafts from imitation during the 1st INNOMED-UP training workshop in Hebron

As part INNOMED-UP project, Birzeit University launches training wokshops for SMEs in Hebron City - Pales…

Project news

Spain: STAND Up! opens a new call for mentors

The Confederación Española de la Indústria Téxtil (TEXFOR) has launched a call open until the 21st of June 2021.