Project news

Med Pearls: how to attract the British market with your Slow Tourism products?

New edition of this series of articles with key-insights on how to commercialise Slow Tourism products to main out-bound markets: the keys of the British market.

Project news

Lebanon: second MedArtSal call for sub-grants to support local salinas owners and managers

Applications must be received no later than 15/07/2021 at 18:00 Lebanese local time.

Project news

U-SOLVE and the Greek challenge of gender equality in employment

As a partner in the U-SOLVE project, e-Trikala will contribute to implementing the project’s objectives in promoting and supporting Greek women entrepreneurs, as well as worki…

Project news

Egypt and U-SOLVE contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Egypt is one of the first countries to establish a national committee to monitor the implementation of the Sustainable Sevelopment Goals. In addition, it has developed a "…

Project news

Project news

MEDSt@rts and the entrepreneurial story of Carlo in the Italian magazine 'Vita'

Read the interesting interview with the founder of QualityFind, the platform to find certified agri-food products.

Project news

GIMED: Alexandria Business Association signs a cooperation protocol on green recovery with the Egyptian Government

The main goal is to strengthen the partnership between the public and the private sector. GIMED is enhancing this transformation towards gre…

Project news

Italy: OENOMED project recruits two researchers

The "Centro di Viticoltura ed Enologia" (CREA), partner of the OENOMED project "Qualification and Promotion of the wine-growing sectors of the Protected Areas of the Mediterranean", is recru…

Project news

Play X-O and bowling games in Fidar Tower, Lebanon with MED GAIMS project

Future visitors of the Fidar Tower will experience two games, which are very similar to our modern-day X-O and bowling games.