Project news

CRE@CTIVE partner in Spain organized international fashion event

On the 24th and 25th of March CRE@CTIVE partner Modacc organized '080 Barcelona Fashion Connect' with the participation of 150 international agents

Project news

GIMED: 23 green ideas selected in Palestine to be turned into successful eco-innovative start-ups

Leaders International has started the training sessions with selected innovators on the 27th of March.

Project news

Job vacancy for a First Level Controller under the INVESTMED project

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (Spain) is looking for First Level Controller to check partner expenditures for the EU-funded INVESTMED project. Deadline: 28 April…

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES: Takeaways from Tomorrow.City Conference!

Tomorrow.City conference showcases advances in digital infrastructures that may be attractive to the cities of SME4SMARTCITIES.

Project news

Tunisia: INTECMED launches innovation local ecosystem in the region of Cap Bon

Innovation regional actors come together to boost specific key sectors in the Cap Bon region.

Project news

CROSSDEV signs agreement to preserve and enhance heritage in Aqaba, Jordan

An agreement to increase awareness on archaeological and historical sites, protect cultural, historical and marine heritage and implement sustainable activities to protect the…

Project news

External evaluator vacancy for the mid-term evaluation of MED GAIMS implementation

The leading partner of project MED GAIMS, American University at Beirut, needs to perform a mid-term project evaluation of implementation.

Project news

MED GAIMS revives the House of Umm Qais in Jordan

The concept of experiential tourism is applicable to the deserted House of Umm Qais to revive the last century’s life of style and make it exposed to tourists.

Project news

U-SOLVE project to support businesses for a sustainable development in the Mediterranean

The project, which aims to develop sustainable urban enterprises, will be launched on 13 April with the partners from Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Jordan and Palestine.