Project news

MEDUSA: Adventure tourism in Dahar destination in Tunisia

Adventure tourism in Dahar destination is considered the most important pillar within the overall framework of alternative tourism.

Project news

Tunisia: GIMED launches a call for trainers in green entrepreneurship

The trainings will enable entrepreneurs to develop and validate their sustainable business model in the market. Applications opened until March 31st, 2021.

Project news

Italy: MEDSt@rts is looking for microfinance promoters

The deadline for the submission of applications is 29th March.

Project news

Lebanon: call for tenders under the STAND Up! project

Lebanese partner Berytech is looking for independent trainers or training agencies to deliver a green training program for entrepreneurs in the textile and fashion industry.

Women need more than flowers, they need equal treatment, access to credit, and society’s support to break stereotypes

Read the main findings of our webinar on women entrepreneurs organised on the occasion of the International Women's Day.

Project news

MEDUSA: Sustainable Innovative Practices of Adventure Tourism

Sustainable practices in Tourism have proved notable functionality all over the globe.

Project news

Neàpolis-Spain is recruiting an app developer under MED GAIMS project

Neàpolis, the Innovation Agency of Vilanova i la Geltrú, is seeking professional support in application development of gamified touristic experiences.

Project news

Med Pearls: How to attract the French market with your Slow Tourism products?

Key insights to develop and commercialise Slow Tourism products targeting specific out bound markets. First release: the French market!