Project news

MAIA-TAQA and ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM projects networking sessions to facilitate synergies and create opportunities

Based on the aspiration of putting into action the recovery plan and a new economic development model for the Mediterranean, two networking …

Project news

MedArtSal call for sub-grants is open

MedArtSal is issuing calls for proposals for sub-grants aiming at selecting and implementing actions/activities to support salinas owners or managers in increasing the sustainability of their salinas.

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM is looking for experts

This roster is intended to help ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project pre-identify experts that may be hired to engage in specialized consulting work in the frame of the project.

Project news

GIMED: 20 entrepreneurs on a journey to turn their solutions into successful green startups in Lebanon

GIMED will build the capacities of the selected researchers and innovators throughout a 10-month program.

Project news

MEDUSA: What do we mean by Adventure Tourism?

MEDUSA project is about to launch a market research study that shows the main trends and characteristics of some of the most important international adventure tourism markets.

Project news

GIMED: the first training for green entrepreneurs kicked off in Sicily, Italy

The first cohort of green entrepreneurs selected received their first training session on 20th and 21st of December 2020, provided by our Italian partner.

Project news

Jordan: the ancient city of Gadara is blooming again with MED GAIMS project

Gamification is exhibiting potential revolution in historic tourism. MED GAIMS is bringing this revolution to the ancient city of Gadara, Jordan.

Project news

MEDSt@rts: the Italian aspiring entrepreneurs will be selected on 1, 2 and 3 February

The last selection step will identify the 25 young people who will create their own business through the project.

Project news

Greece: MEDSt@rts project selects 25 innovative business ideas

The Achaia Chamber of Commerce and Industry has selected 25 innovative business ideas in 5 different economic sectors.