Project news

CROSSDEV partners - From Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil to Palestinian Heritage Trail: New branding for a broader vision

A new name for a new vision, CROSSDEV's partner MIAK becomes Palestinian Heritage Trail.

Project news

Jordan: The EU-funded CROSSDEV project awards subgrant for the development of JOHUD AL Ayadi shop

Tourists will get the chance to purchase authentic goodies while also supporting the local community.

Project news

[ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM] Data on organic agriculture in Mediterranean countries

Discover data from 2010 on organic agriculture in Mediterranean countries.

Project news

12 month consulting opportunity under MedArtSal project at IUCN

Application delivery deadline is December 11, 2020.

Project news

Palestine: MEDSt@rts is looking for a trainer for microfinance promoters

The deadline for the submission of applications is 6th December.

Project news

MEDSt@rts: networking of microfinance actors in Italy

The Italian-Arab Cooperation Chamber has started a cycle of online debates with local financial stakeholders.

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES and the Smart Cities Marketplace

The EU-funded Smart Cities Marketplace is a hub for all the stakeholders looking for inspiration and knowledge in the smart city field.

Project news

MEDUSA: Tender for the Design of the Mediterranean Adventure Treasures Marketing Strategy and Alliance

MEDUSA project partner JITOA is looking for a consultant to develop a marketing strategy and business plan.

Project news

Med Pearls: results of the market research on Slow Tourism demand are online

Find out about the most strategic outbound markets for Slow Tourism towards the Mediterranean region.