Project news

MEDUSA: auditor for the Tunisian partner WWF

The WWF World Wildlife Fund North Africa, partner of the MEDUSA project, is looking for an external auditor to carry out a mission to audit the expenditure made within the framework of the MEDUSA project.

Project news

The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of SME4SMARTCITIES has been celebrated with the participation of all the partners of the project

This meeting was meant to take place in Israel but the COVID-19 crisis has turned it into virtual, hoping…

Project news

[Get to know MEDUSA's territories] Snorkeling and kayak excursions in Puglia

During the excursions, it’s possible to admire amazing seabeds, and they usually include basic briefings on kayaks and snorkeling.

Project news

MED GAIMS: funding opportunities for game designers

MED GAIMS will soon launch a competition to offer 20 grants for analog and digital game development in order to increase the attractiveness of less known tourist sites.

Project news

EU News #2: useful news about the Green Deal for our GIMED community

The Italian partner "Fondazione di Comunità di Messina" will publish each month useful information about the EU Green Deal for the GIMED community.

Project news

[Get to know MEDUSA's territories] Burqu, Jordan

The reserve holds a year-round open ecolodge that is very close to Burqu castle and Burqu Dam with a capacity of 30 people.

Project news

Jordan: The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan launches subgrants under the CROSSDEV project

Two sub-grants are available under the CROSSDEV project to support economic actors and tourism-related service providers in the Aqaba area.

Project news

Palestine: CROSSDEV launches sub-grants for sustainable tourism service providers

Sub-grants aim to support home stays, women centres and MSMEs to provide hikers & tourists with hospitality, food, information.

Project news

CROSSDEV: What is sustainable tourism? A definition

Sustainable tourism, ecotourism, responsible tourism: did you end up lost? Get back on track with CROSSDEV’s glossary on the latest forms of tourism.