
Project news

FISH MED NET project highlights the difficulties of the fisheries sector and presents its objectives in its first newsletter!

Read our first newsletter to learn about FISH MED NET project, its goals, the project partners, the lates…

Project news

Launch of the FISH MED NET project in Porto-Vecchio (Corsica)

The kick-off meeting of FISH MED NET project took place in Porto-Vecchio in Corsica on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 January 2020.

Sustainable tourism to boost local economies

The CROSSDEV project focuses on the enhancement of less-known tourist destinations in Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine in order to boost local development.

TEX-MED ALLIANCES: a database to match producers of health fabrics with users

With the spread of COVID-19, the project has adapted to the emergency by mapping the industrial capacities in the Mediterranean in terms of production of personal protective e…

Tourism in the aftermath of COVID-19 crisis: reflections from the MEDUSA project

How will the tourism sector look like in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis? We share the reflections of Omar Hazineh, Executive Director of the JITOA, a partner in the MEDU…

Project news

13 June 2020
CROSSDEV - What we can change and how we can build a more sustainable future

Within the CROSSDEV project, Diane Dodd, PhD has recently held 3 lectures on the future of sustainable tourism. Here she shares a few more thoughts with us and our readers.

Project news

10 June 2020
Get involved in ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM's road map

We want to learn from you: fill out the survey and sign off our Executive Agreement.

Project news

10 June 2020
Salinas in Tunisia: an ecological and biological wealth to preserve

The project MedArtSal aims to preserve the Tunisian salina Sidi El Hani peculiar biological richness and improve its economic sustainability.

Project news

10 June 2020
Tunisia: 18 local organizations contribute to create a transnational network of microfinance actors

MEDSt@rts project has organised a series of meetings to involve different stakeholders in support of aspiring entrepreneurs.