Project news

Project news

21 May 2020
Tunisia: MEDUSA is looking for a trainer on sustainable destination management

MEDUSA project is looking for a tourism trainer to deliver a training on sustainable destination management in Tunisia.

Project news

20 May 2020
MedSNAIL project progresses in time of COVID-19

MedSNAIL aims to valorise local agro-food products in order to preserve agro-biodiversity and intangible cultural heritage, empower local farmers towrads a more sustainable rural development.

Project news

19 May 2020
The GIMED project is looking for an external auditor!

Interested applicants are invited to submit their bids before 1st of June 2020..

Project news

18 May 2020
CROSSDEV: Introducing Mohammad, a young man that wants to stay in Palestine

“This project focuses on humans, not stones”. A young Palestinian man advocates for the CROSSDEV project among his fellow community members.

Project news

18 May 2020
[Get to know MEDUSA's territories] The Unique Taste of Lebanon: Manaqish

Man'ousheh, which is the Lebanese equivalent of Pizza, carries its own unique culinary bubble that food enthusiasts are sure to appreciate.


Project news

14 May 2020
FISH MED NET: CIHEAM IAMB is looking for an external auditor

The deadline for receiving offers is 26th of May 2020.

Project news

13 May 2020
The GIMED project is looking for a graphic designer

Deadine for sending offers is 21 of May 2020.


Project news

11 May 2020
[SME4SMARTCITIES] COVID-19: good city practices

The Intelligent Cities Challenge has launched an online platform to share cities' good practices in response to the COVID-19 crisis.