Project news

FISH MED NET featured on Euronews about fishers´ challenges and the need to diversify

Discover what are the challenges faced by the fishers and what can be done to improve their lives and preserve their profession.

Project news

Med Pearls Interview: An expert's view on the potential of Slow Tourism in Jordan

Join us in this interview with sustainable tourism expert Lina Al-Khaled on the benefits of promoting slow tourism in Jordan.

Project news

MedSNAIL in Palestine: Olive Tree, a history of Ancestors and the future for generations

The Rural Women's Development Society keeps pace with women farmers in Jenin "Influential rich experiences and linkages to the land over the years”.

Project news

MedArtSal: a marketing survey to rank the most attractive activities for tourists in Italian saltpans

MedArtSal: a research carried out by CUEIM in cooperation with the University of Sassari suggests activities with greatest potential to attr…

Project news

The 2nd Workshop to Discuss Designing Strategies about circular Economy was launched by CLUSTER4GREEN

The Federation of Egyptian Industries organized this workshop to discuss designing strategies and how to stimulate the industrial sector to …

Project news

Handcrafting honeybee products in Ramallah, Palestine by the MedBEESinessHubs team ASALA

The Palestinian Businesswomen Association – Asala, the Palestinian partner in the MedBEESinessHubs project, is ready to implement a 4-day workshop handcrafting honeybee produc…

Project news

Project news

Tourism with fishers: FISH MED NET promotes slow tourism

FISH MED NET was interviewed by "Il Giornale del Cibo" which focused on the recently published tourism guide by Legacoop Agroalimentare to promote pescatourism

Project news

STAND Up!: DeleiteWear, winner of the eco-innovative challenge to solve HORECA’s textile waste in Spain.

The sustainable fashion start-up will develop a complete circular economy solution based on a triple bottom line business model.