Project news

ARTOLIO presents olive tree varieties and why they matter, Issue 3 - Nabali Baladi Variety

The fruitiness, bitterness, and aftertaste depends mainly on the variety that has been nurtured, and how it's been tended to. In this entry, the focus will be one of the …

Project news

Cezars Projects introduces paragliding to the Shouf region in Lebanon with the support of MEDUSA project

The René Moawad Foundation, MEDUSA project’s partner in Lebanon, awarded Cezars Projects, a sub-grant. The owner of Cezars Projects, Cezar M…

Project news

MED-InA in Jordan supports Ghoorcom, an online marketplace that connects farmers to their clients

2nd place winner of the startup category, project “Ghoorcom” is an online marketplace that connects farmers to businesses directly, thus fos…

Project news

Read how Melodie discovered BESTMEDGRAPE and decide to move to Italy following her dream

With the goal for her product to be a leader in the sun care industry, Melodie will come to Italy to partner with BESTMEDGRAPE and turn grape waste into innovative product for…

Project news

STAND Up!: MedWaves will join the agenda of the World Circular Economy Forum 2022 in Kigali (Rwanda).

The project’s Lead Partner co-organizes an Accelerator session entitled “Increasing the circularity of fashion”.

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: Greek organic producers actively involved in local laboratories activities

The local laboratories open spaces where organic actores can interact to share knowledge and generate new business alliances among Mediterranean countries.

Project news

TEX-MED ALLIANCES - TheMedNew fashion brand entere the world of cinema

The TEX-MED Alliances project traveled to Bologna, Italy to participate in the TerraViva Film Festival and present TheMedNew brand to cinema people.


Project news

Project news

STAND Up!: Moebeus wins the open innovation challenge on the traceability process of the Made in Italy value chain in Italy.

The integrated sustainability consulting service offered by the Tuscan start-up has been identified as best solution uploaded on The Switche…