Project news

CLUSTER4GREEN is looking for an External Auditor

Our Tunisian partner CONECT is looking for an external auditor to ensure the auditing of the CLUSTER4GREEN project.

Project news

LIVINGAGRO, first series of Business to Business Brokerage events to take place in Jordan mid-December

A first Business to Business brokerage event focusing on multifunctional olive systems will take place on next December 13th and another ded…

Project news

As MED GAIMS outcomes have come to life, awareness of gamification is magnified

A meeting in Alghero is scheduled to explore the theme of gamification as a tool for enriching cultural heritage and innovating the tourists’ experience.

Project news

U-SOLVE in Egypt anounces its urban living lab at an investment and entrepreneurship summit

This living lab in Alexandria will support start-ups and entrepreneurs to develop their creative ideas and address Mediterranean urban challenges.

Project news

CLUSTER4GREEN approach for designing Circular Business Models presented during Green Innovation Days 2022

They have been presented and discussed on the occasion of two Workshop held in Beirut on 12 October 2022 and organized in the framework of t…

Project news

LIVINGAGRO, new forage seed mixtures identified in the framework of the project field trials

The field trials were implemented in Sardinia over the last year and show encouraging results.

Project news

The INVESTMED project continues sharing expertise through training webinars with this 11th episode.

On the 14th November 2022, INVESTMED training webinars, co-organised by EMEA and LUMSA, brought back an 11th episode discussing the Environm…

Project news