Project news

Italy: MEDSt@rts organises its final event "Mediterranean entrepreneurs"

On the 6th of July, MEDSt@rts final event in Cagliari (Italy) to discuss way to boost entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

Project news

TRANSDAIRY: Call for expression of interest in the participation in the third round of entrepreneurship training sessions in Greece

TRANSDAIRY invites dairy value chain stakeholders to apply to the 3rd round of entrepreneurship training …

Project news

Med Pearls Taking a Deeper Look into Slow Tourism in Egypt Through the Eyes of an Expert

With the goal to take a deeper look at the Slow Tourism Sector in Egypt, we sat down with Med Pearls Advisory Board Member and Tourism Expert, Mr. Hussein Shoukry. An experien…

Project news

Project news

STAND Up!: Call for Logistics Expert to deliver warehouse management, supply chain and inventory services in Lebanon

The selected professional will be responsible for supporting one of the textile and fashion start-ups identified within the incubation phase…

Project news

ARTOLIO Israeli and Palestinian farmers and millers' gather in a marketing and branding conference in Israel Beit Hakerem cluster

In mid-June, before the preparation of the oil mills and the harvest season, Israeli and Palestinian farm…

Project news

PPI4MED in Italy conducted a workshop to support innovation procurement

PPI4MED Italy: from patent to innovation, the importance of EU grants to accelerate innovative solutions, the market approach of scientists, and the importance of the eco-syst…

Project news

Post-pandemic good news for Tunisian trade and YEP MED

The landscape of international maritime trade in Tunisia and how young people are trained in this sector.

Project news

The INTECMED mentorship programme for business ideas comes out in the Greek press

INTECMED is in the process of inaugurating Regional Facility Points in each country, where the mentorship programmes will be implemented.