Call for strategic projects: update on evaluation process

The results of the first phase of the evaluation process will be available during the second week of December.

Annual closure of the Managing Authority offices

The Autonomous Region of Sardinia, including the Managing Authority of the ENI CBC Med Programme, will be closed from 12 to 16 of August.

198 proposals submitted under the call for strategic projects

Notwithstanding the reduced number of thematic priorities (7), the results of the call show once again the interest of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership for the ENI CBC Med Programme. 

Cross-border cooperation, an issue of mutual interest in the EU-Egypt relations

The latest meeting of the EU-Egypt Subcommittee on Political Matters, Human Rights and Democracy covered a wide range of issues, including cross-border cooperation. 

SAVE THE DATES: information events on the call for strategic projects

The Programme is organizing a series of information events dedicated to the potential applicants and partners of the call for strategic projects.


The Managing Authority is pleased to announce that Algeria has officially joined the ENI CBC Med Programme which now counts fourteen participating countries.

Ethiopian Airlines plane crash

The Managing Authority would like to express its great sadness and sent condolences to the family and relatives of Mr. Paolo Dieci and Mr. Sebastiano Tusa.